Coconut Oil Toothpaste Homemade: A Smile Awaits!

Are you tired of using commercial toothpaste that is filled with chemicals and artificial ingredients? If so, it’s time to consider making your own coconut oil toothpaste at home. Not only is it a natural …

coconut oil toothpaste homemade

Are you tired of using commercial toothpaste that is filled with chemicals and artificial ingredients? If so, it’s time to consider making your own coconut oil toothpaste at home. Not only is it a natural and effective alternative, but it also offers numerous benefits for your oral health. In this article, we will explore the wonders of coconut oil toothpaste homemade and how you can make it yourself.

The Benefits of Coconut Oil Toothpaste

Coconut oil toothpaste is gaining popularity among health-conscious individuals due to its numerous benefits. Here are some of the key advantages of using homemade coconut oil toothpaste:

How to Make Homemade Coconut Oil Toothpaste

Making your own coconut oil toothpaste is simple and requires just a few ingredients. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you get started:


  • 4 tablespoons of organic coconut oil
  • 2 tablespoons of baking soda
  • 10-15 drops of peppermint essential oil
  • 1 teaspoon of stevia (optional for sweetness)

coconut oil toothpaste homemade


  1. Melt the coconut oil in a microwave-safe bowl until it becomes a liquid.
  2. Add the baking soda to the melted coconut oil and mix well.
  3. Add the peppermint essential oil and stevia (if desired) to the mixture and stir until well combined.
  4. Transfer the mixture to a small jar or container with a lid.
  5. Allow the toothpaste to cool and solidify before using.

That’s it! Your homemade coconut oil toothpaste is ready to use. Simply dip your toothbrush into the mixture and brush your teeth as you would with regular toothpaste.

FAQs on Coconut Oil Toothpaste Homemade

Q: Is coconut oil toothpaste safe to use?

A: Yes, coconut oil toothpaste is safe to use. It is made from natural ingredients and does not contain any harmful chemicals or artificial additives.

Q: Can coconut oil toothpaste help with bad breath?

A: Yes, coconut oil toothpaste can help freshen your breath. The antibacterial properties of coconut oil can help eliminate the bacteria that cause bad breath.

Q: How often should I use coconut oil toothpaste?

A: You can use coconut oil toothpaste twice a day, just like regular toothpaste. However, it is always best to consult with your dentist for personalized oral care recommendations.

Q: Can coconut oil toothpaste replace regular toothpaste?

A: Coconut oil toothpaste can be used as a natural alternative to regular toothpaste. However, it is important to note that it does not contain fluoride, which is essential for preventing tooth decay. Therefore, it is recommended to use coconut oil toothpaste in conjunction with regular toothpaste.


Homemade coconut oil toothpaste is a natural and effective oral care solution that offers numerous benefits for your teeth and gums. By making your own toothpaste, you can avoid the harmful chemicals found in commercial products and take control of your oral health. So why not give it a try? Your smile will thank you!

Fun Fact: Did you know that coconut oil has been used for centuries in traditional medicine for its various health benefits? From skincare to haircare, coconut oil is truly a versatile natural remedy.

Originally posted 2023-08-02 14:13:26.

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