Coconut Rice Recipe For Beginners: How To Do?

Coconut Rice I have been in Vietnam where people often cook coconut rice for vegetarians. The dish is so good that I decide to simplify the recipe here for you all! Servings: 4 or more …

coconut rice

Coconut Rice

I have been in Vietnam where people often cook coconut rice for vegetarians. The dish is so good that I decide to simplify the recipe here for you all!

  • Servings: 4 or more
  • Prep Time: 5 minutes (15 minutes if you make the coconut milk yourself)
  • Cook Time: 20 – 25 minutes


  • 1 Tbsp. coconut oil
  • 2 cups jasmine or basmati rice
  • 1 ½ cups coconut milk
  • 2 cups chicken bone broth
  • 1 tsp. sea salt
  • 1 tsp. apple cider vinegar
  • 2 tsp. coconut sugar
  • 2 to 3 good sized green onions


Place the coconut oil in a medium sized saucepan over medium heat. Melt the coconut oil and tip the pan so it coats the entire bottom of the pan.

Pour in the rice and stir it vigorously to keep it constantly moving for about 30 seconds to 1 minute, until it is all coated with the coconut oil. The rice will start to look opaque instead of translucent. Keep stirring as you add the chicken broth. It will make a loud noise and then start to simmer immediately.

Add the coconut milk, coconut sugar, apple cider vinegar, and the salt. Stir until everything is well mixed, reduce heat to medium low and cover. Let simmer for 20 or 30 minutes until all the liquid disappears and small air holes begin to appear in the top of the rice.

Remove from heat and let stand for at least 5 or 10 more minutes. Chop the green onions finely, uncover rice and fluff with fork. Stir onions into the rice with a little fresh pepper. Serve at once.

Originally posted 2020-07-05 09:34:47.

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